The MODO ship has landed

When my husband and I finally deemed ourselves "ready" to start a family, nothing could fully prepare us for what that one little word entailed. Once our first daughter was born, I magically obtained the identity of Super Mom, trying to take on the world one temper tantrum at a time. Typical of our kind, I soon found I was putting everyone else's needs before my own.

Then came the birth of our second daughter, transforming me into a MODO (Mother of Daughters Only). Let the sagas of raising two girls begin! ...The emotional outbursts, pigtail pulling, boy drama, and catty girl cliques... It's bound to be quite an adventure, and made me realize the importance of finding a release. And so, a blog was born!

My stories are plucked straight from my personal experiences as a mother. But also as a professional writer with a background in the natural health industry, I may at times share some tidbits on healthy living simply because it's something I’ve grown passionate about.

Take it from me, a mom attempting to survive the preschool years while also tip-toeing around a testy toddler, building a solid support team can help save your sanity and your health. So leave the cape in the closet, laugh, learn and lollygag in a little "me-time."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

5 going on 15

I know it’s been awhile…seven months to be exact. Pardon my absence. New job, new juggling act, new responsibilities raising a Kindergartner and a toddler. There’s been very little time these days to keep my "little blog that could" chug, chug, chugging along. But I miss it, so I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…

All aboard.

As I alluded to, Ella (our oldest) as reached the elite status of "Kindergartner". A few short weeks ago she was just my little five-year-old waiting to enter the doors of Langlade Elementary. Now, she’s the girl who didn’t want mom to drop her off on the first day, but wanted to ride the bus to school instead. (Really?) I get grunts when I ask her how her day was…or worse, the dreaded “f” word I thought I wouldn’t hear for at least a few more years.


Most mornings I have to drag her out of bed, kicking and screaming. Ella would rather pick out her own clothes than have mom choose her outfits. No cuddling. She’s just wants to go play with her friends. Somehow Ella went from 5 to 15 in just a few short weeks.

I still get a big hug good-bye every morning, and I treasure every. single. one.