The MODO ship has landed

When my husband and I finally deemed ourselves "ready" to start a family, nothing could fully prepare us for what that one little word entailed. Once our first daughter was born, I magically obtained the identity of Super Mom, trying to take on the world one temper tantrum at a time. Typical of our kind, I soon found I was putting everyone else's needs before my own.

Then came the birth of our second daughter, transforming me into a MODO (Mother of Daughters Only). Let the sagas of raising two girls begin! ...The emotional outbursts, pigtail pulling, boy drama, and catty girl cliques... It's bound to be quite an adventure, and made me realize the importance of finding a release. And so, a blog was born!

My stories are plucked straight from my personal experiences as a mother. But also as a professional writer with a background in the natural health industry, I may at times share some tidbits on healthy living simply because it's something I’ve grown passionate about.

Take it from me, a mom attempting to survive the preschool years while also tip-toeing around a testy toddler, building a solid support team can help save your sanity and your health. So leave the cape in the closet, laugh, learn and lollygag in a little "me-time."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

“New Year, New You” – It’s True!

The New Year is here to stay, at least for the year anyway. Gone is the tree, down are the lights and eaten are the last of Mom’s cookie delights (good riddance!). Big question: So how’s the resolution going?

If you’re like me, you don’t even remember the resolution you made last year. Come to think of it, I’m not so sure I made one. But that’s the beauty of the New Year—it’s a time to start fresh, turn over a new leaf, try to make this year the best one yet, and don’t look back. Whatever mishaps, hardships or roadblocks we stumbled upon in 2010 are behind us, and 2011 is our chance to make amends, find peace and shoot for the moon. Not to sound cliché, but the world is our oyster! Instead of bogging down the New Year with daunting to-do lists and lofty goals, I’ve decided to create a wish-list of fun things to look forward to this year instead.

It kind of seemed like a no-brainer once I read that nearly 40% of people typically break their resolutions by the end of January, while a third more only keep them up for six months. That was me to a “t.” Why are we so hard on ourselves? Human nature….or is it marketing? Think about it, how many ads for the gym did you see on TV or hear on the radio during the first week of the January? “I pick things up, and I put them down” come to mind? (A fan of Planet Fitness or not, this ad is hilarious!)

Sure, we all know that we overindulged during the holidays and it’s time to get back on track. Don’t worry, we’ll get there. Now is the time to appreciate the phrase, “it’s the small things that make the biggest differences,” and move on to the things that fulfill your life with happiness and joy. Let’s face it; you’re much more likely to have those memories stick in 2012.

Some fun things I’m looking forward to this year include:

• Running a few local 5K races, the Bellin 10K, and maybe, just maybe, the Cellcom half-marathon (I’ve yet to decide if that’s “fun” or “torture”)

• Watching Ella start Kindergarten (where does the time go?)

• Preparing Jaisa for potty training (again, not sure where this fits on the fun-o-meter, but it’s a milestone nonetheless)

• Seeing the musical Wicked for the first time

• Enjoying an annual Girls Night with my girlfriends from college

• Taking a long, overdue trip to Door County with Matt, just the two of us (Alleluia!)

• Spring breaking it to Blue Harbor Resort & Waterpark for our 4th consecutive year

• Heading to Wisconsin Dells for a summer vacay

• Hopefully doing some camping, even if it’s just in our backyard

• Packing up for a big move? Time will tell, but a house with more room to hold our stuff would be nice…or maybe we just need to get rid of our stuff…hmmm

• Scheduling regular mother-daughter days with the girls

• Spending time with family and friends, because that’s what it’s all about

And that's just the beginning...
Enjoy the New Year for all that it is – a chance to start anew and appreciate all that you have!

What’s on your list of fun in 2011?